Monday, November 14, 2005


Originally uploaded by maxxymooses.
This is Amber A.K.A. Sattelite dish. She gets al the channels if you know what I mean. Have you ever seen Eard that big on anything but a Donkey?

But I think they are sexy.
She came to stay with us for a Husky sleepover. It was fun.


UltimateWriter said...

I may have seen such Eard on a moose once. Had a terrible whooping cough though, poor son of a gun. Keep your eyes peeled in your neck of the woods.

In your vast (wink wink) spare time Feel free to Chekkout the Blog @

IndyPindy said...

Hey, that's my foster cousin! Don't make fun of her ears or I'll come over there and hump you both!