Friday, November 18, 2005

Good News for abused Dog

Tails of the tundra to the rescue has pulled the red and white dog features n the WJZ video.
She is currently in Foster care and will be up for adoption in about a month.
Thank you to Kourtney and all of the people who helped to rescue this girl.


IndyPindy said...

Yay! This makes me and my mommy so happy! I'm sending Kourtney a big Husky kiss!

HanktheDog said...

Good job!

IndyPindy said...

I'm so sorry you are coughing and sneezing! I'm sending you good wishes and lots of good thoughts. Tell your mom to get you some doggie vitamins. My mom is also going to take me to a hole-istic vet next week. She's supposed to try natural remedies instead of just putting me on more drugs. That sounds good. I don't like taking medicine anyway. Feel better buddy!

Furkids in Hong Kong™ said...


Came here from IndyPindy's place to wish your furkids a speedy recovery.

Take care!

Anonymous said...

It's always great when you can rescue a lovely dog. Good luck