Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by maxxymooses.
This is my foster brother Hendrix
He is a big doofus. see how biig he is smiling.
I don't think he has t all upstairs! If you know what I mean


IndyPindy said...

Hendris is built a lot like me - tall, slim and with long legs and a long body. He's very handsome! Except his head is kind of big for his body, but he's young so maybe he'll grow into it. My daddy said that when his nephew was a little boy his head was way too big for his body, and his dad started calling him Shorty Bighead. I'm gonna call Hendrix that next time I see him!

Anonymous said...


Hello! you made a good job for what you've post on this topic..thank you for sharing this
its very informative to everyone. Keep up the good work..

Best Regards,
Annie Cruz
Barking Dogs